Facts About Me


Narodil som sa v Banskej Bystrici otcovi Dušanovi a mame Janke. V tomto meste žijem dodnes. Rodičia a hlavne môj otec ma už od malička viedol k športovej činnosti a tým pádom som prešiel rôznymi druhmi športu (futbal, hokej, tenis...). Po tomto množstve pokusov stať sa športovcom som sa nakoniec rozhodol pre biatlon. Spolu so svojim bratom Radovanom sme svoje bežecké skúsenosti získali v klube TJ Malachov neďaleko Banskej Bystrice. Biatlon som začal robiť už od žiackych kategórií a venujem sa mu doposial.


Name: Dušan Šimočko  Age: 27

Birthday: September 29th 1983

College: Matej Bel University in BB

Favorite Color: Black/White

Favorite Book: The Lost Symbol (2009)

Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Favorite Song: Little Piece (The Jezabels)

Favorite Food: Halušky

Favorite Quote: Never failure, always lesson

Favorite Place I’ve been: Top of Mt. Blanc 4810 m

I was born in Banska Bystrica to my parents Dušan and Janka. I still live in this town today. My parents, especially my dad, has always led me to active lifestyle and sports in particular. Not surprisingly I have tried out a lot of different sports (soccer, hokey, tennis...). After the many  attempts to find the right one for me I decided to pursue biathlon. Along with my brother Radovan I was starting my biathlon career with cross-country skiing in club TJ Malachov, not far from Banska Bystrica. I’ve started with biathlon in young categories and have been addicted to this sport till today.